
Vision Clinics

Vision missions are advertised to the local public as an opportunity to have an eye exam and receive glasses if necessary. As people enter the clinic, they receive a clear presentation of the gospel message by local pastors; many people receive Christ and request follow-ups from church leaders. Once inside, a person has his eyes tested and glasses are prescribed if necessary, either for reading for for distance. It is possible for eye teams to see up to one thousand people in a single day.

Cost: $2600 + airfare

Led by experienced team leaders

Professional eye clinic with a gospel presentation

How it Works

What’s done in advance

  • Location secured, eye clinic publicized to local population

  • Ministry of Health consents to this vision program in their area

  • Doctors hired, glasses ordered

  • Pastors recruited and trained

How the vision clinic is organized

  • Local pastors do ministry/evangelism on the patient’s way into the clinic

  • Eye chart readings determine routing:

    • Receive corrective glasses for distance

    • Receive reading glasses

    • See local doctor for serious issues

Ministry Objectives 

  • Present the gospel to every person in line for the clinic

  • Record the contact information for each person who receives Christ

  • Follow up with those who receive Christ to include them in church life

Vision Objectives

  • Provide corrective distance glasses for people with 20/50 vision or worse

  • Provide reading glasses for people over the age of 40

  • Provide consultation and eye medicine with local ophthalmologist

  • Provide cataract surgery for those who require it

Positions Available

  • Eye chart – determine patient’s measurement for distance vision

  • Triage – review gospel presentation and direct the patient to the next station

  • Auto-refractor – instrument used to determine distance lens requirements

  • Distance station – the appropriate distance glasses are either dispensed or made

  • Readers station – appropriate reading glasses are dispensed


  • Training will be provided by experienced team leaders