Our Partner Churches


Since Salem Lutheran Church had been conducting mission trips to Honduras for almost twenty years, the missions DNA was already present in our congregation when we felt God’s leading to include Kenya in our ministry.  God provided the funding, and members of the very first team in 2007 fell in love with the people and the work we did; that commitment has not only stayed intact, but strengthened since that time. 

Kevin Pieper




Trinity Lutheran Church in Bloomington Illinois became involved in the vision mission trips to Kenya in 2009.  God led one of our pastors and a lay leader to attend a missions conference at Salem Lutheran Church, with the desire to become more involved in overseas missions.  Trinity had 10 participants in November 2009, who were split into 2 teams, joining with a few members from different Texas churches.  Both teams had wonderful experiences and loved working with the people of Kenya.  We have been blessed to continue this outreach over the past 10 years, and look forward to our continued partnership with the people of Kenya and Salem in this beautiful country.

Christa Springer




After ten years of offering vision clinics among the Maasai of Kenya, friendships thrived and trust was established.  Two Maasai Chiefs asked if we would build a rescue center and school for girls running away from home to escape Female Genital Mutilation and Forced Early Marriage.  We believe every child should have a place to feel safe, be loved, and have the opportunity to reach their potential; at Kenyan Schools of Hope, the saving love and protection of Jesus is paramount.

Ray and Flora Tacquard




In 2008 Trinity-Klein was invited by Salem Lutheran to join them on a mission adventure to Kenya using the proven missions model of Great Commandment/Great Commission ministries.    Feeling God’s calling, it only took one trip for the mission vision to take hold at Trinity, and with congregational support, we have been off to Kenya ever since.  God has blessed the program and the missional outreach both in Kenya and at home.

Richard and Marilyn Lynch




Trinity, Klein invited Memorial, Katy, to join in its work in Kenya, Africa.  It did not require special seminary training or extensive language study, but a willingness to go and serve. The Lord drew hundreds of people to the clinics where eye care and the Gospel met real people and real needs.  We made two trips annually in the beginning.  Each clinic added respect and admiration for those Kenyans we encountered.  They also excited interest in missions within the congregation.  Those who wanted to go found support from those who could not go.  Memorial transitioned from guest missionaries to becoming a mentor congregation within a few years.  


Redeemer Lutheran Church in Austin Texas got involved with the Vision for Kenya project shortly after Salem initiated it.  Salem generously offered several of our mission-minded members a “come and see” trip; they were impressed by the experience, and consequently Redeemer made it an official project of our church. We have been one of the Mentor churches ever since and have taken more than 125 different people to Kenya to participate in these missions since 2009.  God has blessed us mightily as a result.

Pastor Kevin Westergren



Dave DeVore

