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Malaria Missions

Malaria teams distribute bed nets house to house in malaria- prone areas. Local government leaders partner with our team to determine the specific distribution list, and they accompany us on our visits. Once inside the home, nets are hung over beds and the gospel is shared with the household. Local Ministry of Health officials keep data to determine the impact our teams have on the malaria infection rate. Already has decreased the rate.....

Cost: $2500 + air fare
Led by experienced team leaders House-to-house treated bed net Delivery with in-home gospel presentation

How it Works

What’s done in advance

  • Endemic malaria in Kenya is selected for the project and baseline malaria rate determined

  • Ministry of Health consents to allowing this malaria program in their area

  • Community health workers and pastors are recruited and trained

  • Local Ministry of Health workers identify/prioritize distribution list for bed nets

  • 1000 treated bed nets acquired

  • Approximately 600 homes are identified to receive 1000 bed nets and reading glasses over a 5-day mission

  • Distribution lists based on vulnerability

    • Pregnant women

    • Children under 5

    • Orphans

    • Elderly

    • HIV +

How it is organized

  • Partnership between 1) the local Ministry of Health, 2) the pastors’ association, and 3) the sponsoring mission team

  • Teams made up each day, consisting of MOH workers, pastors’ association representatives, and visitors visit about 12-15 homes daily

  • Teams follow this protocol once inside the home

    • Greet each other

    • Hang bed nets over beds

    • Give out appropriate reading glasses

    • Share the gospel with all in the household

    • Pray and depart for the net home

Ministry Objectives 

  • Present the gospel to every person in each home

  • Record the contact information for each person who receives Christ

  • Follow up with those who receive Christ to include them in church life

Malaria Objectives

  • Ministry of Health’s Community Health Workers determine distribution of bed nets

  • Repeated distributions in certain areas; malaria rates measured after each mission

  • Rates of malaria fall after repeated distributions

  • Target rate is the Kenya Ministry of Health’s national goal: bring the rate of malaria in endemic areas to 30%

Team Members Will:

  • Tie bed nets over sleeping areas

  • Dispense age-appropriate reading glasses to household members over the age of 40

  • Share the basic gospel message using an Evangel-Cube

  • Experience the gracious hospitality of Kenyans whose homes we are visiting


  • Training will be provided by experienced team leaders